"Looking for Black Friday Deals?
You've come to the right place. And you were smart to get here early because this year we're starting early. Come back Monday, November 23, 2009, for a week of amazing Black Friday deals. We'll be adding new deals all day, every day, so you can visit anytime and find terrific prices. What can you do to get ready?"
You've come to the right place. And you were smart to get here early because this year we're starting early. Come back Monday, November 23, 2009, for a week of amazing Black Friday deals. We'll be adding new deals all day, every day, so you can visit anytime and find terrific prices. What can you do to get ready?"
- Amazon.com
No es por presumir lo que estoy a punto de contarles, sino para que vean la ventaja de estas ventas. Recuerdan hace un anio que estaba friege y friege con mi camara que me iba comprar en Black Friday? Como ya saben todos, en efecto me la compre. Ahorita, la camara vale casi $1000 dlls. sobre lo que me costo. Aunque claro, todos andamos batallando con la crisis. Pero si pueden, tomen mi consejo. Compren!
1 comentarios:
consumer freak... oh mira! esas zapatillas...
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