"Check This Out
Yes, you Cannes: This year’s Cannes Film Festival doesn’t go down until mid-May, but there are two Cannes-themed events taking place in town this week.
First, congrats to local filmmaker Giancarlo Ruiz, whose short film St. Jacques has been accepted into this year’s Short Film Corner. The film, a slightly experimental piece about a couple who continue to search for one another after a beachside tragedy, isn’t in competition, but Ruiz will have the opportunity to show it to industry professionals and do scads of networking.
Ruiz, who lives in Tijuana and works in La Jolla, shot the film in Las Playas with both American and Mexican actors. It’s a moving, languorous work, and you can see it at a fundraiser the Media Arts Center is holding for the filmmaker and the film. The event goes down from 6 to 9 p.m. Friday, April 30, at 921 25th St. St. Jacques will screen at 7 p.m., and Ruiz will be on hand for a Q&A. There’s a bonus for attendees, too—beyond the food, drink and silent auction, anyone who donates $10 or more will receive a copy of the film as well as The Z’s, another Ruiz short. This marks the first time a Tijuana film has been accepted into Cannes, and the fundraiser is a terrific opportunity to support local filmmaking."
A Buena hora me entero de esto, cuatro mendigos dias despues. Sin embargo aun asi pongo esta reseña para demostrarles a todos lo que se esta haciendo para apoyar a un cineasta local en E.U. Lastima, no? Gianca es un cineasta local tijuanense, o mas bien, Mexicano! y es alla donde lo estan apoyando de forma monetaria. Aun asi se les agradece al Bitacora Cultural y el Mexicano, los unicos dos medios que han escrito sobre esto.
Si estas leyendo esto disculpame carnal por enterarme tan tarde de esto, pero asi me trae la vida en este momento. Sin embargo me alegra que apoyo estes recibiendo, y si se pudiera hacer algo para apoyarte a estas alturas let me know. Estamos aqui para apoyarte hermano.
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