"In a move aimed at showcasing more low and no budget films, the Sundance Film Festival has announced the creation of a new section for its upcoming 2010 event. Dubbed “Next,” the section which will feature six to eight narrative feature films, “selected for their innovative and original work in low- and no-budget filmmaking.” Festival Director John Cooper made the announcement today, citing 'the desire to discover and promote filmmakers forging new ways to tell their stories, limited by resources but uninhibited by creativity'...
The selections for the new section, expected to be limited to American work, will not be in the festival’s official competition but organizers have been discussing the possibility of a prize selected by the filmmakers screening in the new section. As of yesterday, Sundance organizers had already received 4,964 applications and 3,689 films for their 2010 festival. Submissions for the January event still being accepted this month..."
- Indiewire.com
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